Foster a Rabbit
Fostering is Our Greatest Need
We do not have a brick & mortar shelter to house our rescues; we operate as a foster-based rescue and rely on our foster homes to house all rescue rabbits. This can be a great blessing to our rescue rabbits because as a foster parent, you provide a rescue rabbit with a stable, loving home until an adopter gives them a permanent place to call their own. A foster parent does not have to have prior rabbit experience. We can teach anyone to care for rabbits; you bring the love and commitment! In fact, fostering can be a great way to meet many different rabbits and enjoy each of their fun personalities without the 10 – 12 year commitment of adoption. Foster assignments can be
short-term (1 to 4 months) or long-term (4 months till adoption).
Due to the special medical and behavioral needs of rabbits, Rabbit Rescue of MN has a minimum age requirement of 21 years of age for foster applicants, and all children in the residence must be 10 or older. To be approved to foster our rescue rabbits, the applicant must also have reliable transportation in order to transport their adoptable/ foster rabbit(s) to medical appointments or adoption events.
What does RRMN Provide to its Foster Homes?
A min 30” dog exercise pen (xpen) if you don’t have one
Hay and Timothy Pellets
All veterinary costs, including spay/neuter surgeries and wellness visits
Education and wellness advice for new bunny fosters
What Does a Foster provide?
A stable, loving home for rabbits that may never have lived indoors or with a caring, rabbit-friendly family
Transport to and from our monthly Romp & Spa events. This is where our fosters can get nail trims and scent gland cleanings (needed every 3-4 months).
Foster to facilitate a meet and greet for a potential adopter either at their home or a Romp & Spa event
Transport to and from the veterinarian for spay/neuter surgery, as well as any necessary veterinary care or treatment
A space that is at least 7 ft. x 7 ft on tile or hardwood (if over carpet please overlay with a large sheet of vinyl flooring or a tarp)
Daily fresh mixed green salads
Socialization and attention, plus 3-4 hours of daily supervised free time in a bunny proofed area
Grooming (daily brushing if needed)
Litter pan and litter pellets (compressed wood pellets from Menards/Fleet Farm. Approx. $5 for 40lb bag)